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Sample Object Detection model deployment for reference
The following files can be used as a reference for  Object Detection Inference - Hardhat Detection and Google Docs - Cluzter Model Guidelines

Guidelines Folder structure:


Trained Model file

Other files and folders used file format:

Import Statements

Onetime executable operations

{Ex: Loading the Model, label encoding  etc.}

def predict(Input arguments as per the use-case)


Data Preprocessing


Return output based on the use-case


*Do not change the naming convention for the entities marked inblue
  • and requirements.txt are mandatory files
  • should contain a predict function which takes 2 arguments.
    First arg(string): img path to read the input image from
    Second arg(string): Directory to save the output image. For example if the 2nd argument is variable output_dir, the image can be saved as output_dir+’image.jpg’
  • The return value of the predict function should be the file location where output image is saved

import os, sys import cv2 import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf #load the model and any other custom defined functions/variables detection_model = tf.saved_model.load('saved_model') def predict(img, output_directory): #mandatory function: First arg: img path to read from, Second arg: Dir to save the output image img = cv2.imread(img) #code for predictions #........ #......... output_file = output_directory + "image.jpg" cv2.imwrite(output_file,image_np_with_detections) return output_file​

Sample requirements.txt
tensorflow==2.4.1 numpy​ opencv-python-headless​