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would be a kaggle be helpful for data science

  • Would the following data science certificate programs be good preparation for Kaggle competitions, and a career switch into data science jobs?
      August 13, 2021 1:13 PM IST
  • Big Data, Data Sciences, and Predictive Analytics are the talk of the town and it doesn’t matter which town you are referring to, it’s everywhere, from the United Nations using predictive analytics to forecast bombings on schools to companies using Kaggle to launch their own
    competitions. There are dozens of Startups springing out every month stretching human imagination of how the underlying technologies can be used to improve our lives and everything we do. Data science is in demand and its growth is on steroids. According to Linkedin, “Statistical Analysis” and “Data Mining” are two top-most skills to get hired this year. Gartner says there are 4.4 million jobs for data scientists (and related titles) worldwide in 2017, 1.9 million in the US alone. One data science job creates another three non-IT jobs, so we are talking about some 13 million jobs altogether. The question is what YOU can do to secure a job and make your dreams come true, and how YOU can become someone that would qualify for these 4.4 million jobs worldwide.
      February 11, 2022 12:32 PM IST
  • Kaggle is a great place to learn and master data science skills, but it could easily become overwhelming if you don't have strong knowledge of the basics. ... The data analysis notebook would use a lot of libraries and having sufficient background will be very helpful
      December 2, 2021 2:53 PM IST