
Automobile » Discussions » What are the effects of AI on the automotive industry?

  • Posted September 22, 2021
    What will be the effects of artificial intelligence on the automotive industry?
  • Posted September 24, 2021
    AI in automotive industry is making significant advancements and developments. Coupled with the power of machine learning and big data, it will revolutionize how we will reach our destinations. It will not only streamline traffic movement and monitor jams but also increase the driver's safety.
  • Posted September 27, 2021

    Major parts of automotive industry are…

    • Engine efficiency : Currently we are able to use only 50 to 60% energy of fuel, remaining is wastage for us. ML can simplify this problem for us by finding the most energy efficient fuel by making different combinations b/w all elements. Oil, Petrol can not serve us for next 50 to 60 yeas…

    • Speed : We are able to catch speed around 350 kmph. Of course, we can do better. Again, for speed Engine Capacity plays an important role. One of the biggest resistance to achieve higher speed, is heating of engine. For that we need to find another combination of element with which we can make engine, that can withstand higher temperature, and whose weight is less. For that ML is very very useful.

    • Design : Better design always helps to increase efficiency. We have to take care of all aero dynamic principals. That thing can be improved by Artificial Intelligence. That designs better car design.

    • Self driving : This is the most famous feature of tomorrow's cars. But we can improve that by letting car make their own decisions. By analyzing human traffic videos, it can learn it. And can minimize number of accidents.

    I think there are many… But these are main domains under which ML can help automobile industry.