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What does tf.nn.embedding_lookup function do?

  • tf.nn.embedding_lookup(params, ids, partition_strategy='mod', name=None)​
    I cannot understand the duty of this function. Is it like a lookup table? Which means to return the parameters corresponding to each id (in ids)?

    For instance, in the skip-gram model if we use tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, train_inputs), then for each train_input it finds the correspond embedding?
      August 29, 2020 2:24 PM IST
  • embedding_lookup function retrieves rows of the params tensor. The behavior is similar to using indexing with arrays in numpy. E.g.

    matrix = np.random.random([1024, 64])  # 64-dimensional embeddings
    ids = np.array([0, 5, 17, 33])
    print matrix[ids]  # prints a matrix of shape [4, 64] ​

    params argument can be also a list of tensors in which case the ids will be distributed among the tensors. For example, given a list of 3 tensors [2, 64], the default behavior is that they will represent ids: [0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5].

    partition_strategy controls the way how the ids are distributed among the list. The partitioning is useful for larger scale problems when the matrix might be too large to keep in one piece.
      August 29, 2020 2:35 PM IST
  • Yes, this function is hard to understand, until you get the point.

    In its simplest form, it is similar to tf.gather. It returns the elements of params according to the indexes specified by ids.

    For example (assuming you are inside tf.InteractiveSession())

    params = tf.constant([10,20,30,40])
    ids = tf.constant([0,1,2,3])
    print tf.nn.embedding_lookup(params,ids).eval()​

    would return [10 20 30 40], because the first element (index 0) of params is 10, the second element of params (index 1) is 20, etc.


    params = tf.constant([10,20,30,40])
    ids = tf.constant([1,1,3])
    print tf.nn.embedding_lookup(params,ids).eval()​

    would return [20 20 40].

    But embedding_lookup is more than that. The params argument can be a list of tensors, rather than a single tensor.

    params1 = tf.constant([1,2])
    params2 = tf.constant([10,20])
    ids = tf.constant([2,0,2,1,2,3])
    result = tf.nn.embedding_lookup([params1, params2], ids)​

    In such a case, the indexes, specified in ids, correspond to elements of tensors according to a partition strategy, where the default partition strategy is 'mod'.

    In the 'mod' strategy, index 0 corresponds to the first element of the first tensor in the list. Index 1 corresponds to the first element of the second tensor. Index 2 corresponds to the first element of the third tensor, and so on. Simply index i corresponds to the first element of the (i+1)th tensor , for all the indexes 0..(n-1), assuming params is a list of n tensors.

    Now, index n cannot correspond to tensor n+1, because the list params contains only n tensors. So index n corresponds to the second element of the first tensor. Similarly, index n+1 corresponds to the second element of the second tensor, etc.

    So, in the code

    params1 = tf.constant([1,2])
    params2 = tf.constant([10,20])
    ids = tf.constant([2,0,2,1,2,3])
    result = tf.nn.embedding_lookup([params1, params2], ids)​

    index 0 corresponds to the first element of the first tensor: 1

    index 1 corresponds to the first element of the second tensor: 10

    index 2 corresponds to the second element of the first tensor: 2

    index 3 corresponds to the second element of the second tensor: 20

    Thus, the result would be:

    [ 2 1 2 10 2 20]​
      August 29, 2020 2:57 PM IST
    • Laksh Nath
      Laksh Nath @Pranav B could you explain why "mod" strategy is default? seems that "div" strategy is more similar to the standard tensor slicing(select-rows by given indices). Is there some performance issues in case of "div"?
      August 29, 2020
  • Another way to look at it is , assume that you flatten out the tensors to one dimensional array, and then you are performing a lookup

    (eg) Tensor0=[1,2,3], Tensor1=[4,5,6], Tensor2=[7,8,9]

    The flattened out tensor will be as follows [1,4,7,2,5,8,3,6,9]

    Now when you do a lookup of [0,3,4,1,7] it will yeild [1,2,5,4,6]

    (i,e) if lookup value is 7 for example , and we have 3 tensors (or a tensor with 3 rows) then,

    7 / 3 : (Reminder is 1, Quotient is 2) So 2nd element of Tensor1 will be shown, which is 6

      August 29, 2020 3:05 PM IST
  • Yes, the purpose of tf.nn.embedding_lookup() function is to perform a lookup in the embedding matrix and return the embeddings (or in simple terms the vector representation) of words.

    A simple embedding matrix (of shape: vocabulary_size x embedding_dimension) would look like below. (i.e. each word will be represented by a vector of numbers; hence the name word2vec)

    Embedding Matrix

    the 0.418 0.24968 -0.41242 0.1217 0.34527 -0.044457 -0.49688 -0.17862
    like 0.36808 0.20834 -0.22319 0.046283 0.20098 0.27515 -0.77127 -0.76804
    between 0.7503 0.71623 -0.27033 0.20059 -0.17008 0.68568 -0.061672 -0.054638
    did 0.042523 -0.21172 0.044739 -0.19248 0.26224 0.0043991 -0.88195 0.55184
    just 0.17698 0.065221 0.28548 -0.4243 0.7499 -0.14892 -0.66786 0.11788
    national -1.1105 0.94945 -0.17078 0.93037 -0.2477 -0.70633 -0.8649 -0.56118
    day 0.11626 0.53897 -0.39514 -0.26027 0.57706 -0.79198 -0.88374 0.30119
    country -0.13531 0.15485 -0.07309 0.034013 -0.054457 -0.20541 -0.60086 -0.22407
    under 0.13721 -0.295 -0.05916 -0.59235 0.02301 0.21884 -0.34254 -0.70213
    such 0.61012 0.33512 -0.53499 0.36139 -0.39866 0.70627 -0.18699 -0.77246
    second -0.29809 0.28069 0.087102 0.54455 0.70003 0.44778 -0.72565 0.62309 ​

    I split the above embedding matrix and loaded only the words in vocab which will be our vocabulary and the corresponding vectors in emb array.

    vocab = ['the','like','between','did','just','national','day','country','under','such','second']
    emb = np.array([[0.418, 0.24968, -0.41242, 0.1217, 0.34527, -0.044457, -0.49688, -0.17862],
       [0.36808, 0.20834, -0.22319, 0.046283, 0.20098, 0.27515, -0.77127, -0.76804],
       [0.7503, 0.71623, -0.27033, 0.20059, -0.17008, 0.68568, -0.061672, -0.054638],
       [0.042523, -0.21172, 0.044739, -0.19248, 0.26224, 0.0043991, -0.88195, 0.55184],
       [0.17698, 0.065221, 0.28548, -0.4243, 0.7499, -0.14892, -0.66786, 0.11788],
       [-1.1105, 0.94945, -0.17078, 0.93037, -0.2477, -0.70633, -0.8649, -0.56118],
       [0.11626, 0.53897, -0.39514, -0.26027, 0.57706, -0.79198, -0.88374, 0.30119],
       [-0.13531, 0.15485, -0.07309, 0.034013, -0.054457, -0.20541, -0.60086, -0.22407],
       [ 0.13721, -0.295, -0.05916, -0.59235, 0.02301, 0.21884, -0.34254, -0.70213],
       [ 0.61012, 0.33512, -0.53499, 0.36139, -0.39866, 0.70627, -0.18699, -0.77246 ],
       [ -0.29809, 0.28069, 0.087102, 0.54455, 0.70003, 0.44778, -0.72565, 0.62309 ]])
    # (11, 8)​

    Embedding Lookup in TensorFlow

    Now we will see how can we perform embedding lookup for some arbitrary input sentence.

    In [54]: from collections import OrderedDict
    # embedding as TF tensor (for now constant; could be tf.Variable() during training)
    In [55]: tf_embedding = tf.constant(emb, dtype=tf.float32)
    # input for which we need the embedding
    In [56]: input_str = "like the country"
    # build index based on our `vocabulary`
    In [57]: word_to_idx = OrderedDict({w:vocab.index(w) for w in input_str.split() if w in vocab})
    # lookup in embedding matrix & return the vectors for the input words
    In [58]: tf.nn.embedding_lookup(tf_embedding, list(word_to_idx.values())).eval()
    array([[ 0.36807999,  0.20834   , -0.22318999,  0.046283  ,  0.20097999,
             0.27515   , -0.77126998, -0.76804   ],
           [ 0.41800001,  0.24968   , -0.41242   ,  0.1217    ,  0.34527001,
            -0.044457  , -0.49687999, -0.17862   ],
           [-0.13530999,  0.15485001, -0.07309   ,  0.034013  , -0.054457  ,
            -0.20541   , -0.60086   , -0.22407   ]], dtype=float32)

    Observe how we got the embeddings from our original embedding matrix (with words) using the indices of words in our vocabulary.

    Usually, such an embedding lookup is performed by the first layer (called Embedding layer) which then passes these embeddings to RNN/LSTM/GRU layers for further processing

    Bonus Reading word2vec skip-gram model
      August 29, 2020 3:28 PM IST
  • When the params tensor is in high dimensions, the ids only refers to top dimension. Maybe it's obvious to most of people but I have to run the following code to understand that:

    embeddings = tf.constant([[[1,1],[2,2],[3,3],[4,4]],[[11,11],[12,12],[13,13],[14,14]],
    embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, ids, partition_strategy='div')
    with tf.Session() as session:
        result = session.run(embed)
        print (result)

    Just trying the 'div' strategy and for one tensor, it makes no difference.

    Here is the output:

    [[[ 1  1]
      [ 2  2]
      [ 3  3]
      [ 4  4]]
     [[21 21]
      [22 22]
      [23 23]
      [24 24]]
     [[11 11]
      [12 12]
      [13 13]
      [14 14]]]
      August 29, 2020 4:18 PM IST