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Is there a way to learn Python AI in the simplest form?

  • I just got into AI and ML in Python, but I was left confused of lots of advanced terms. Is there a way to learn Python AI in the simplest form?
      August 13, 2021 1:09 PM IST
  • I have a great way to learn python AI for free!

    There is also a paid option for a micro-masters certificate from Columbia (which is accepted for credit towards a master in some colleges). However, if you intend to complete all of them during the set period be prepared to work from 32–40 hours a week. If not, just learn at your own pace for free…

    Micro-masters in Artificial Intelligence classes, hosted by Columbia in edX:

    1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    2. Machine Learning
    3. Robotics
    4. Animation and CGI Motion

    (If you are mostly into AI in software without graphics, the best would be 1 and 2)

    What do you need to know before you take them?

    Remember these are graduate level AI classes, but do not require previous AI experience. Nevertheless, they do require some math (you can’t do AI without this level of math) and programming experience (which I assume you have, based on your question):

    • Linear algebra (vectors, matrices, derivatives)
    • Calculus
    • Probability and statistical concepts
    • Coding and comfort with data manipulation
    • Python programming

    The classes officially begin in September 11 (but you can enroll at any time, or after it ends, but without a certificate), good luck!

      August 26, 2021 1:59 PM IST
  • To learn coding you can practice in HackerRank or HackerEarth. To learn AI you can use Kaggle platform. In Kaggle there are many codes available and you can use those to learn new libraries.
      August 15, 2021 10:36 PM IST
  • Assuming you have no knowledge of Python, first learn the basics. Try and get a good understanding of more advanced programming concepts like Object Orientated Programming. Then make some fun, non-ai stuff to get to grips with what you have just learnt.
    After this, you can start getting into data visualisation with matplotlib, this allows you to plot graphs with python and will be an invaluable skill. Also get to grips with another module called Pandas.
    From this point, use sk learn to do some simple machine learning algorithms (not quite AI), then once you have got to grips with a few of these, try and learn to use tensorflow to build AI.
    This will take a long time, some of the maths in AI is fairly complex, so don’t be afraid to brush up on it. Also this will take a long time, don’t rush into making AI, make some other, easier things so that you can really get to grips with python. Finally, to learn all of this stuff, go on to the Sentdex YouTube channel, I learnt Python there and it is a really good resource.
      August 16, 2021 3:25 PM IST