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How IoT (Internet of things) can work in case you have poor internet connectivity or no connectivity?

  • This question pops up in my mind as in many developing countries at present internet connectivity is very poor or no connectivity at all and the customer base is very huge, in this case how IoT can help in making life easy?

      September 21, 2021 12:50 PM IST
  • You could even go a step further, many machine-to-machine solutions will have incredibly low bandwidth. (Take for example LoraWan which would be extremely suitable to roll out in developing countries).

    So, being in a developing country or not, you are stuck with networks and devices that have to deal with low bandwidth anyway. This means that the developers creating the software for your devices need to think very well about how they solve certain type of problems.

    A lot of devices currently also have to deal with situations where there is no connectivity at all. For example a tracking device in a container on a ship. This device should be built in a way, that it will function without a proper internet connection.


    • IoT devices can work with low bandwidth connections.
    • Development should be done with the idea of non-connectivity in mind.
      October 14, 2021 12:50 PM IST
  • There are currently a few projects going on whose purpose is to provide an affordable Internet access for people in poor areas:

    There are also technologies such Wi-Fi Direct that do not require presence of a centralized servers.

    Lastly, as others said, IoT developers will have to deal with lack of connectivity and design their software accordingly.

      September 25, 2021 2:16 PM IST