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Chronic Kidney Disease

July 1, 2021


The data was taken over a 2-month period in India with 25 features ( eg, red blood cell count, white blood cell count, etc). The target is the 'classification', which is either 'ckd' or 'notckd' - ckd=chronic kidney disease. Use machine learning techniques to predict if a patient is suffering from a chronic kidney disease or not.

Credit goes to Mansoor Iqbal (https://www.kaggle.com/mansoordaku) from where the dataset has been collected. For the purpose of creating a challenge, certain modifications have been done to the dataset.

Original dataset can be acquired from the link Chronic KIdney Disease (https://www.kaggle.com/mansoordaku/ckdisease)

Attribute Information

Data Set Information:

We use the following representation to collect the dataset:-

  1. age - age
  2. bp - blood pressure
  3. sg - specific gravity
  4. al - albumin
  5. su - sugar
  6. rbc - red blood cells
  7. pc - pus cell
  8. pcc - pus cell clumps
  9. ba - bacteria
  10. bgr - blood glucose random
  11. bu - blood urea
  12. sc - serum creatinine
  13. sod - sodium
  14. pot - potassium
  15. hemo - hemoglobin
  16. pcv - packed cell volume
  17. wc - white blood cell count
  18. rc - red blood cell count
  19. htn - hypertension
  20. dm - diabetes mellitus
  21. cad - coronary artery disease
  22. appet - appetite
  23. pe - pedal edema
  24. ane - anemia
  25. class - class

Additional Feature Details

Attribute Information:

We use 24 + class = 25 ( 11 numeric ,14 nominal)

  1. Age(numerical) - age in years
  2. Blood Pressure(numerical) - bp in mm/Hg
  3. Specific Gravity(nominal) - sg - (1.005,1.010,1.015,1.020,1.025)
  4. Albumin(nominal) - al - (0,1,2,3,4,5)
  5. Sugar(nominal) - su - (0,1,2,3,4,5)
  6. Red Blood Cells(nominal) - rbc - (normal,abnormal)
  7. Pus Cell (nominal) - pc - (normal,abnormal)
  8. Pus Cell clumps(nominal) - pcc - (present,notpresent)
  9. Bacteria(nominal) - ba - (present,notpresent)
  10. Blood Glucose Random(numerical) - bgr in mgs/dl
  11. Blood Urea(numerical) -bu in mgs/dl
  12. Serum Creatinine(numerical) - sc in mgs/dl
  13. Sodium(numerical) - sod in mEq/L
  14. Potassium(numerical) - pot in mEq/L
  15. Hemoglobin(numerical) - hemo in gms
  16. Packed Cell Volume(numerical)
  17. White Blood Cell Count(numerical) - wc in cells/cumm
  18. Red Blood Cell Count(numerical) - rc in millions/cmm
  19. Hypertension(nominal) - htn - (yes,no)
  20. Diabetes Mellitus(nominal) - dm - (yes,no)
  21. Coronary Artery Disease(nominal) - cad - (yes,no)
  22. Appetite(nominal) - appet - (good,poor)
  23. Pedal Edema(nominal) - pe - (yes,no)
  24. Anemia(nominal) - ane - (yes,no)
  25. Class (nominal)- class - (ckd,notckd)
  • License Type Open Data Commons
  • Data Original Source Attribution https://www.kaggle.com/colearninglounge/chronic-kidney-disease