Automobile's Documents

  • At its 335th Session (March 2019), the Governing Body of the ILO decided to convene a technical meeting on the future of work in the automotive industry and the need to invest in people’s capabilities and decent and sustainable work.At its 337th Sess..
  • October 12, 2021
    Uploaded through Automobile Category: Others 0 102 0
    Since the introduction of the smartphone, it has become clear that customers are quick to adopt even highly complex and expensive technology if it makes their lives easier. In other words, users value convenience and ease. These core values turned th..
  • October 8, 2021
    Uploaded through Automobile Category: Data Files 0 124 0
    Content This dataset represents the total number of Automobiles Imported and Exported annually through maritime terminals located within Port Authority property in the Port of New York and New Jersey in vehicle units beginning 2000 Context This is..
  • October 8, 2021
    Uploaded through Automobile Category: Data Files 0 114 0
    Here are the dataset of automobile customer segmentation
  • September 28, 2021
    Uploaded through Automobile Category: Data Files 0 137 0
    You are working as a data scientist in an automobile company.You would like to develop a model to predict the total amount that customers are willing to pay for the new car. This information will be used by the company to do the targeted marketing ba..
  • September 28, 2021
    Uploaded through Automobile Category: Data Files 0 115 0
    This data set consists of three types of entities: (a) the specification of an auto in terms of various characteristics, (b) its assigned insurance risk rating, (c) its normalized losses in use as compared to other cars. The second rating corresponds..