Banking and Finance's Documents

  • The objective of the research paper is to conduct a research on an impact of blockchain on banking sector through cryptocurrency. The object of research is technology advancement and its economic exploitation. In order to figure out the platform, th..
  • August 4, 2021
    Uploaded through Banking and Finance Category: Data Files 0 125 0
    This case requires to develop a customer segmentation to define marketing strategy. Thesample Dataset summarizes the usage behavior of about 9000 active credit card holders during the last 6 months. The file is at a customer level with 18 behavioral ..
  • August 2, 2021
    Uploaded through Banking and Finance Category: Data Files 0 210 0
    There are two tables, which are connected by ID. application_record.csv contains appliers personal information, which you could use as features for predicting. credit_record.csv records users' behaviors of credit card.