Banking and Finance's Documents

  • Digital financial services (DFS) are financial services (e.g., payments, remittances, and credit) accessed and delivered through digital channels, including via mobile devices. These encompass established instruments (e.g., debit and credit cards) of..
  • September 29, 2021
    Uploaded through Banking and Finance Category: Data Files 0 112 0
    DESCRIPTION Investment Company Series and Class Information SUMMARY The Series and Class Report provides basic identification information for all active registered investment company series and classes that have been issued IDs by th..
  • September 29, 2021
    Uploaded through Banking and Finance Category: Data Files 0 85 0
    DESCRIPTION IRS 401(k) Contribution Limits from 1978 to 2018 SUMMARY About this Dataset This file contains the IRS' Employee Contribution Limit, Total Contribution Limit, and the 50+ Contribution limit for 401(k) plans for each ye..
  • Big data has made a significant impact in many sectors of the U.S. and world economies like healthcare, manufacturing and retail. Ac-cording to a report by Researchmoz (2014), apart from the government sector, the financial services sector has more t..
  • Computer vision is the new buzzword in the technology world. The technology has been leveraged to create path-breaking innovations like self-driving cars and enable the facial unlock feature in mobile devices for increased security. In the banking, ..
  • August 19, 2021
    Uploaded through Banking and Finance Category: Data Files 0 111 0
    Lending levelsMonitoring developments in overall activity helps us identify new developments in the markets we regulate. These graphs show the number and aggregate dollar volume of new credit cards opened each month. Aggregated monthly originations a..
  • August 19, 2021
    Uploaded through Banking and Finance Category: Data Science E-Books 0 83 0
    With rapid digitization and mobilization in the banking and financial services industry, businesses are exploring the possibi lity of IoT in finance to leverage data and to minimize the risks that are endemic to this sector. This paper focuses IoT ap..
  • August 16, 2021
    Uploaded through Banking and Finance Category: Data Files 0 119 0
    A quarterly survey that provides national summary data on the revenues, expenditures, and composition of assets of the largest state and local government employee retirement systems. This survey currently consists of a panel of 100 retirement systems..
  • August 16, 2021
    Uploaded through Banking and Finance Category: Data Files 0 145 0
    The stock market is a large indicator of the health of the economy in the United States. Understanding the stock market from a high level is important because we would be able to predict when dips or small crashes in the market occur. For this study,..
  • August 9, 2021
    Uploaded through Banking and Finance Category: Data Science E-Books 0 94 0
    The benefits of blockchain in banking are becoming more and more appreciated. Where are we today and what does it mean for the sector, asks Farhan Syed.