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How can training data be saved?

  • How can training data be saved?
      August 11, 2021 5:31 PM IST
  • model %>% save_model_tf("model")
      August 11, 2021 10:01 PM IST
  • Training data is the data you use to train an algorithm or machine learning model to predict the outcome you design your model to predict. Test data is used to measure the performance, such as accuracy or efficiency, of the algorithm you are using to train the machine.
      January 14, 2022 2:12 PM IST
  • Save the model by using model.save("model_name.h5") or other similar command. (Make sure to use .h5 extension. That would create a single file for your saved model.) Using this command will save your model in your notebook's memory.

    Save your notebook by going to Advanced Settings and select Always save output. Hit Save and then select Quick Save if you want your notebook to get saved as it is or otherwise it will run all your notebook and then save it (which might take long depending on your model training phase etc.)

    Go to notebook viewer (the saved notebook). Go to Output of notebook and create a private (or even public) dataset for that model.

    Then load that dataset into your any notebook. You can load the model by using model = tf.keras.models.load_model("..input/dataset_name/model_name.h5").
    You can even download the model file from dataset for offline purposes.

    Hope this helps.
      August 14, 2021 1:14 PM IST