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Which set is used for model fine-tuning and Optimisation?

  • Which set is used for model fine-tuning and Optimisation
      August 19, 2021 1:28 PM IST
  • Fine-tuning, in general, means making small adjustments to a process to achieve the desired output or performance. Fine-tuning deep learning involves using weights of a previous deep learning algorithm for programming another similar deep learning process.

    Fine-tuning, on the other hand, requires that we not only update the CNN architecture but also re-train it to learn new object classes. Fine-tuning is a multi-step process: Remove the fully connected nodes at the end of the network (i.e., where the actual class label predictions are made).

      December 27, 2021 1:29 PM IST
  • Validation set is used for tuning the parameters of a model. Test set is used for performance evaluation
      August 21, 2021 12:02 PM IST
  • Fine-tuning is a way of applying or utilizing transfer learning. Specifically, fine-tuning is a process that takes a model that has already been trained for one given task and then tunes or tweaks the model to make it perform a second similar task.

    Why Use Fine-Tuning?

    Assuming the original task is similar to the new task, using an artificial neural network that has already been designed and trained allows us to take advantage of what the model has already learned without having to develop it from scratch.

    When building a model from scratch, we usually must try many approaches through trial-and-error.

    For example, we have to choose how many layers we're using, what types of layers we're using, what order to put the layers in, how many nodes to include in each layer, decide how much regularization to use, what to set our learning rate as, etc.

    • Number of layers
    • Types of layers
    • Order of layers
    • Number of nodes in each layer
    • How much regularization to use
    • Learning rate

    Building and validating our model can be a huge task in its own right, depending on what data we're training it on.

    This is what makes the fine-tuning approach so attractive. If we can find a trained model that already does one task well, and that task is similar to ours in at least some remote way, then we can take advantage of everything the model has already learned and apply it to our specific task.


    Now, of course, if the two tasks are different, then there will be some information that the model has learned that may not apply to our new task, or there may be new information that the model needs to learn from the data regarding the new task that wasn't learned from the previous task.

    For example, a model trained on cars is not going to have ever seen a truck bed, so this feature is something new the model would have to learn about. However, think about everything our model for recognizing trucks could use from the model that was originally trained on cars.

      August 23, 2021 4:40 PM IST
  • Validation set is used for tuning the parameters of a model. Test set is used for performance evaluation.
      August 24, 2021 4:46 PM IST