QBoard » Artificial Intelligence & ML » AI and ML - Tensorflow » Error when doing "import tensorflow.keras.utils.np_utils"

Error when doing "import tensorflow.keras.utils.np_utils"

  • I have two question:

    (1) The question about importing some subpackages inside tensorflow.keras.

    (2) How to differentiate between the packages installed by 'pip install' and 'conda install'.(under windows)

    I am using anaconda with tensorflow 2.0.0. I am trying to import package like:

    import tensorflow.keras.utils.np_utils


    However, the error shown that:

    > ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call
    > last) <ipython-input-2-ee1bc59a14ab> in <module>
    > ----> 1 import tensorflow.keras.utils.np_utils
    > ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow.keras.utils.np_utils'


    I am confused about why this is happening, I install the tensorflow with command:

    conda install tensorflow==2.0.0 


    from Anaconda prompt.

    Yes, I know the anaconda should have already had all the data science package inside it, the reason that I uninstall tensorflow provided by anaconda and reinstall it was before using anaconda, I had Python installed on my PC, since anaconda came with another Python(if I can think in this way :), I just got confused about the differences between packages installed by 'pip install' command and 'conda install' command, so I kept trying uninstalling and reinstalling them... Just want to see in which case I can use them in jupyter notebook and in which case I can use them in Pycharm.

    Here is some examples of the things I am confused:

    1. If I install a package P with 'pip' command, in the command
      line(not anaconda prompt), when I open jupyter notebook from the
      virtual environment that I created in anaconda, can I import this

    2. If have installed tensorflow two times, one time from command line
      and one time from anaconda prompt, when I use the virtual environment of anaconda and import tensorflow, which one is it actually calling?

    3. Can I use 'pip install' command in anaconda prompt? What is the
      difference between using 'pip' in anaconda prompt and windows command line?

    If possible, hope to get sulution to 1) and maybe a simple explanation to question (2), sorry about posting too many, but I am just too confused.

    Thanks a lot :)

      December 7, 2021 1:56 PM IST
  • Tensorflow 2.0

    from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical


    Keras is now part of tensorflow 2.0, in past you will have to install with pip like other packages

      December 10, 2021 11:03 AM IST
  • Using:

    from tensorflow.keras import utils

    Then try to replace:





    Sorry if this is very delayed hope you are fine!

      December 14, 2021 12:00 PM IST
  • from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical


    from tensorflow.keras import utils
      December 16, 2021 12:51 PM IST