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Calling an attribute defined in a method from another method in data science (python)

  • I'm learning object oriented programing in a data science context.

    I want to understand what good practice is in terms of writing methods within a class that relate to one another.

    When I run my code:

    import pandas as pd 
    pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None  
    class MyData:
        def __init__(self, file_path):
            self.file_path = file_path
    def prepper_fun(self):
        '''Reads in an excel sheet, gets rid of missing values and sets datatype to numerical'''
        df = pd.read_excel(self.file_path) 
        df = df.dropna()                    
        df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric) 
        self.df = df
    def quality_fun(self):
       '''Checks if any value in any column is more than 10. If it is, the value is replaced with
       a warning 'check the original data value'.'''
        for col in self.df.columns:
            for row in self.df.index:                                             
                if self.df[col][row] > 10:       
                    self.df[col][row] = str('check original data value') 
    data = MyData('https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/00429/Cryotherapy.xlsx')


    I get the following output (only part of the output is shown due to space constrains):

        sex  age   Time  
    0     1   35  12.00             
    1     1   29   7.00               
    2     1   50   8.00                
    3     1   32  11.75                
    4     1   67   9.25                         
    ..  ...  ...    ...       
         sex                        age                       Time 
    0     1  check original data value  check original data value                  
    1     1  check original data value                          7                  
    2     1  check original data value                          8                  
    3     1  check original data value  check original data value               
    4     1  check original data value                       9.25 
    ..  ...                        ...                        ...


    I am happy with the output generated by each method.

    But if I try to call print(data.quality_fun()) without first calling print(data.prepper_fun()), I get an error AttributeError: 'MyData' object has no attribute 'df'.

    Being new to objected oriented programming, I am wondering if it is considered good practice to structure things like this, or if there is some other way of doing it.

    Thanks for any help!

      December 11, 2021 3:25 PM IST
  • Once you declare self.food or self.water, these are attributes of the whole object, not just the method they were declared in. As long as you parse self to a new method of a class, it can access all of the attributes of the object by referencing self.food, self.water, etc. E.g.:

    class feed(object):
        # other functions
        def new_method(self):
            #This can now reference other object attributes​

    However, as pointed out by @jonrsharpe in the comments, make sure that the order in which the methods are run does not result in a method trying to reference an attribute that has not been declared yet. It is good practice to define all attributes in the __init__ method of a class. Currently, you don't declare self.water before calling self.water += 1, which will raise an AttributeError due to the attribute self.water being referenced before assignment. Here's a way to stop this:

    class feed(object):
        def __init__ (self, food = 0, water = 0) :
            self.food = food
            self.water = water
        def fill(self): 
            self.food += 1
            self.water += 1​
      December 30, 2021 1:09 PM IST
  • Make sure you have the df before you use it.

    class MyData:
        def __init__(self, file_path):
            self.file_path = file_path
            self.df = None
        def quality_fun():
           if self.df is None:
           # rest of the code 
      December 14, 2021 11:51 AM IST
  • If the csv file isn't changed during runtime you should call prepper_fun(self)  in the __init__. , calling it separately leads to a high chance of bugs.

    If the csv file is changed then the other answer works perfectly well

      December 15, 2021 12:43 PM IST